ALZip1228.exe (28.1MB)
Alzip has a very fast speed by simplifying various compression format support and compression process. You can check the image of the compressed file or set the password of the compressed file to increase security. Multicore compression allows you to compress faster.
ALZip Specs
- Latest Version – V 12.28 – 2025-01-24
- Developer – ESTsoft Corp.
- OS – Windows
- Files – ALZip1228.exe (28.1MB)
- Category – UtilitiesApplication
Main Funtion
- A simplified compression program allows anyone to compress the file easily and quickly.
- Diversifying compression formats can be compressed with faster speed and higher compression rate.
- It supports various operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, and can be used in any operating system.
- Self -virus inspection allows you to increase the security of the compressed file and open the file safely.
- You can compress each file or proceed with the file compression.
- It has excellent compatibility with various East soft programs such as ALTools, ALSee, and ALPDF.

Various compression format
File compression is possible with various format formats such as ZIP, EGG, LZH, and ALZ.

Password setting
Set the password of the compressed file and set the algorithm to have high security.

Split Compression
When compressed, select split according to the place of use, automatically reduces the capacity.

Batch compression
Various compressed files can be unziped at once, and various files can be compressed at once.
How to use
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