Daangn Market
Daangn_market.app (28.2MB)
DAANGN MARKET is a shopping app where you can make used transactions through a 1: 1 direct deal. You can do a variety of community activities with your neighbors or sell used items you don’t need. You can check the local information or purchase other regions by verifying the local information.
Daangn Market Specs
- Latest Version – V 24.47.0 – 2024-08-23
- Developer – Danggeun Market Inc.
- OS – Windows
- Files – Daangn_market.app (28.2MB)
- Category – ShoppingApplication
Main Funtion
- You can make a trading appointment through 1: 1 chat between individuals and meet in person.
- You can search for the information you want, you can offer the purchase price by chatting.
- You can introduce a manner temperature system that evaluates the user to know or evaluate the other person’s satisfaction.
- If you are using a variety of PC versions, you can use carrot markets on your PC via the app player.
- You can steam the items you want and get a notification for the price drop. If you want the price, you can buy it right away!

You can freely use a 1: 1 chat feature by logging in on your PC.

Manner temperature
You can predict trading satisfaction through manner temperature that evaluates the other person’s transaction satisfaction.

Neighborhood certification
In my area, I can proceed with the neighborhood certification and deal with the people in the neighborhood.

The neighborhood community allows you to check various information in the neighborhood and communicate with users.
Daangn Market FAQ
당근마켓 PC버전 위치 정보는 어떻게 변경할 수 있나요?
위치 정보는 사용자의 현재 위치를 기반으로 적용됩니다. 당근마켓 커뮤니티의 끌어올리기 기능을 사용해 동네 인증을 진행할 수 있습니다.
당근마켓 거래 순서는 어떻게 진행되나요?
거래 순서는 정해져있지 않으나 대부분 다음과 같이 진행됩니다.
1. 원하는 물건을 검색하고 판매자와의 채팅을 시작합니다.
2. 서로가 원하는 위치와 시간에 직거래 약속을 잡습니다.
3. 직접 만나서 거래를 시작할 수 있습니다.