Hoax Eliminator
HoaxEliminator7.35.zip (6.8MB)
Hoax Eliminator is a program that automatically removes keyboard security programs and unnecessary files. You can use PC resources efficiently to remove unnecessary programs, and it is very effective to use when the PC is slow.
Hoax Eliminator Specs
- Latest Version – V 7.35 – 2024-10-24
- Developer – TEUS.me
- OS – Windows
- Files – HoaxEliminator7.35.zip (6.8MB)
- Category – UtilitiesApplication
Main Funtion
- It is a compression program (WinRaR), which requires compression such as Bandizip, 7ZIP.
- After using the security program, it automatically finds and deletes unnecessary programs.
- The user can check the list of direct removal and remove the file.

Unnecessary file removal
Remove certificates and files that are not required for your PC. User settings are possible.

Various functions
Digital signatures and security can be set as desired by the user, and you can remove registry and unnecessary programs.
Hoax Eliminator How to Use
Hoax Eliminator FAQ
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