Road Serch is a service provided by Naver and Kakao. If you select the departure and select the destination, you can see the fastest way. In addition, you can add a passage to check the way of various paths.
Road Serch Specs
- Latest Version – V 5.20.2 – 2023-01-25
- Developer – Naver Corp.
- OS – Windows
- Files – road-serch.exe (32MB)
- Category – TravelApplication
Use by means of transportation
It provides a variety of ways to find public transportation, cars, walking and bicycles. It offers a variety of ways, including the fastest and minimum fee payment.
Detailed route
It provides a detailed route from the departure to the destination. The user can easily reach the destination by checking the path.
Road Serch How to Use
Road Serch FAQ
How can I add a stop in Road Serch?
The method of adding a stop is as follows.
1. First select the departure and destination.
2. Click on the destination + icon.
3. Select the desired passage and click the “OK” button. -
What kind of device can Road Serch can be used?
It supports PC and mobile versions. It supports Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS operating systems. It can be used through the Naver Map and Kakao Map app. See the following link for the Kakao Map road guide.