BAND-1.10.9.exe (107MB)
BandKids is a children’s version of Naver Band. Only children under 13 years of age and invited users can join. Block violent or sensational phrases, protect children and do a variety of activities with private settings.
Bandkids Specs
- Latest Version – V – 2024-09-23
- Developer – NAVER Corp.
- OS – Windows
- Files – BAND-1.10.9.exe (107MB)
- Category – SocialNetworkingApplication
Main Funtion
- The guardian’s consent is needed when signing up. You can sign up as a child’s email address.
- After joining the BAND, you can open children’s meetings and use the group with your parents and teachers.
- Children can join the invited private group. You can invite children through the invitation link.
- It can be used on various devices such as PCs, mobile, and tablets. It also protects personal information.
Children’s band settings
Band settings for children’s protection can safely play bands.
Remote education
You can remotely check the educational videos and study themselves.
Bandkids FAQ
밴드키즈는 어떻게 사용할 수 있습니까?
설치 파일을 다운로드 하고 어린이 전용 밴드를 개설할 수 있습니다. 밴드 개설 후 만 13세 미만의 멤버와 초대된 사용자만 가입이 허락됩니다.
밴드키즈는 어떤 기기에서 사용할 수 있습니까?
PC버전, 모바일 등에서 사용할 수 있습니다. Windows, Mac, Android, iOS 운영체제를 지원합니다.