
4/5 (1 Review)

Bluestacks is an emulator that allows you to play mobile games on your PC. You can play the game regardless of mobile specifications. It is very easy to install and use and use the app in a pleasant environment.
Bluestacks Download

Bluestacks Specs

  • Latest Version – V 5.10.110 – 2023-01-22
  • Developer – BlueStacks Inc.
  • OS – Windows
  • Files – BlueStacks10Installer_0.19.26.1001_native.exe (798KB)
  • Category – UtilitiesApplication

Main Funtion

  • You can enjoy mobile games more comfortably through virtual key support.
  • Various settings are available for your PC. You can customize all parts such as FPS settings, graphics settings.
  • BlueStack optimization allows you to create a faster and more comfortable gaming environment.
  • The installation file is only for Windows. It supports the installation of Mac OS -only bluestacks.
  • Eco mode, which uses less resources in your PC, can be used without resource consumption.


Bluestacks 64 -bit support

Various app support

You can use all apps and mobile games provided by the Google Play Store on your PC.

BlueStacks Cut

Virtual key support

It supports the various keys needed for the game. It can be used the same as the mobile version, and it can make the key input more comfortable.

Bluestacks Optimization


The app configuration allows you to set up your computer specifications. See the Optimization Guide for more information.

BlueStacks Mac

Various operating systems

It can be used not only in Windows but also on Mac OS. The Mac OS operating system can be installed here.

How to Use


  • Bluestacks can’t update.

    You can update your app like this:

    1. Run the app and connect to “settings” at the bottom right.
    2. Click the “About” tab at the bottom left.
    3. You can check the version of the app and proceed with the update.

  • Do you need Bluestacks virtualization?

    In the latest version of PC, VT work is not required. Virtualization work when computer specifications are low or virtualization settings are needed.

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