Google PlayStore

5/5 (1 Review)

Google PlayStore is a application store provided by Google. You can install various apps in one place, including Netflix, WhatsApp, KakaoTalk, and Discord. You can easily log in with your Google account and access any device.

Google PlayStore Specs

  • Latest Version – V 30.7.19-21 – 2023-01-22
  • Developer – Google LLC.
  • OS – Windows
  • Files – Google Play Store_v30.7.19-21.exe (48.6MB)
  • Category – UtilitiesApplication


Google Play Store Support app

Various apps

Today’s popular apps, developers, and editor -recommended apps, you can check various apps and install in your PC.

Google PlayStore PC version

Various content

You can buy a variety of contents such as movies, games, and apps provided by the Google PlayStore.

How to install


  • Google PlayStore app is not searched.

    If the app is not searched, please check the following questions.

    1. Check the Wi -Fi and Network Connections.
    2. Check the storage capacity.
    3. Remove the app and install it again.

  • What can you do with Google PlayStore logout?

    The following method is possible to log out in the store.

    1. Open the app settings and click “Accounts”.
    2. Select the account type.
    3. Select the desired account and click “Remove Account”.

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