LineInst.exe (1,004KB)

LINE PC version is a messenger that provides high -quality free calls and chat functions. You can share a free multimedia with a file format, and you can store and easily share files and messages through your own content storage box.

Line PC version download

LINE Specs

  • Latest Version – V 2.25.0 – 2024-11-20
  • Developer – LINE Corp.
  • OS – Windows
  • Files – LineInst.exe (1,004KB)
  • Category – SocialNetworkingApplication

Main Funtion

  • You can use voice and video calls for free. Camera app access is included.
  • LINE VOOM allows you to check the creations of various creators.
  • You can keep files or videos or share with your friends through your own content storage box.
  • You can use a variety of unique stickers that are popular all over the world.
  • Compatible with the Naver band app.


Line PC version synchronization

Synchronization of friends list

You can find a friend through your contacts and IDs. You can find a friend through your contacts and IDs.

Line PC version emoticon


Emoticons can make chat more colorful. Purchase is available in the mobile app.

Line PC version sharing and dialogue backup

Multimedia sharing

You can share files of various formats such as photos and videos with friends.

Line PC version translation

Language translation

It supports various languages such as English, Chinese, Japanese, and Thai. Communicate with a variety of people!

LINE Conversation backup method


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