
5/5 (1 Review)

Twitter PC version is the world's most famous social networking service. It can be used anytime, anywhere. Talk to various topics such as movies, news, and entertainment. You can tell your voice to the world!
Twitter PC version download

Twitter Specs

  • Latest Version – V 2023 – 2023-01-22
  • Developer – Twitter Inc.
  • OS – Windows
  • Files – Twitter.exe (33MB)
  • Category – SocialNetworkingApplication


Twitter device support

Various devices

Use it as any device! Twitter supports PC and mobile versions.

Twitter Dark Mode

Various themes

It supports various themes such as dark mode and light mode. It is more comfortable to the user’s eyes!

How to Use


  • How can I download Twitter video?

    Video download is available through a dedicated video downloader. The created video can be run through media players such as Gom Player, VLC Player.

  • How can I delete a Twitter account?

    How to delete an account is:

    1. Access “my profile”.
    2. Click “Settings and Personal Information Protection”.
    3. Click “Disable Accounts” in my account tab.

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